Explainer Video Production | Explainer Video Animation | Webwooz Media
We experiment with the latest trends in animation and video production to create a cinematic digital experience to tell your story. Bring us your ideas and let our artist justify your concepts.
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Explainer Video


What Is An “Explainer video” All About?

An Explainer video production is all about making a short-form animated video that businesses and brands use to introduce themselves just in 90 seconds. It does help you explain your products & services, and make your audience understand how you can solve their pain-points. 


You can simply call it a marketing tool that explains new products, services and communicates messages to your potential customers.


Most of the brands use explainer videos on the landing page or homepage of their website. Some also use them to feature their products/services on social media platforms/channels as well.

How businesses are using Explainer videos?

Today, every other business ranging from small businesses to well-known brands is using explainer videos. Companies are using explainer videos to explain their product complexity. Perhaps, it’s the best way to communicate your stories with a creatively different approach. 


It is found that about 95% of the people watch explainer videos to gather details about a product/service. And moreover, viewers who watch videos have a 64% more chance to purchase your offerings. Also, Google and Facebook use explainer videos in their marketing strategy.

Using Explainer videos to grow business

You might be wondering how to use explainer videos for your brand/business. So, here are some of the ways to use them: 


Explainer videos can be used to explain your solution to the audience; such as how you can solve their problems, through your products/services. 

These videos, when used on the homepage & landing pages, can increase your conversion rates. 

You can include explainer videos on your blogs and increase your content engagements. Example; How-To videos.

Explainer videos can be used to train your employees that increases your productivity within a short time. People are more likely to learn from visual story-based resources. 

Make client testimonials with explainer videos to build trust and loyalty for your business in the market.

Build social media marketing strategies with the use of explainer videos.

How we make an Explainer video?

  • Determine the goal or purpose
  • Scriptwriting and screenplay
  • Storyboard Design 
  • Voice-over Recording
  • Characters and Graphic Assets Design 
  • Animation / Video Production
  • Music and Sound effects
  • Media Flexibility
  • Delivery & Formats

Why explainer videos are so popular?

Due to the changes in culture, technology, and businesses, explainer videos are gaining a prior spot in every marketing and sales campaign. Using explainer videos on your website increases the possible ranking in Google search results by 67%. Apart from that, videos are sharable content.


The result shows that Crazy Egg saw an increase in monthly revenues by $20,000 on a launch of their first explainer video. 


Explainer videos can explain your complex product features and business process in just 60 to 90 seconds. In short… it’s very simple, highly engaging, and even entertaining content. That’s the reason it works so well.

Do you think your business needs an explainer video? Let us help you.